coachO StayininOxfuhF'EVAH!!
Darebahfans outdare allbeenworry boutda CoachO leavindaRebah foaha newcoachajob, butey canRess-a-ease tonye causeda coachO jussigna contraw'stension todah 2010! Dassright, coachO STAYINOXFUHF'EVAH! coachO gonnabreakgrow onna BLOWGROUN' SIMMIN-POOL, cauz coachO stayininOxfuh TILLHEDAYED!
Now, coachO reelexcited hegitta coachda Rebahforevah, andcawse coachO gotda BIGMONNIE hegonna havahpartie for alldaRebahfans at da coachOHome-sted. Dassrite, allda rebahplayah and rebahfan and coachO frennzafamlee gonna cometa OrgeronManah and playonda SLIPPUNSLYE! Andcawse coachO gossalldese extrahdolla, hegonnaput PEPPAHMIN-SHNAWPS ondah slippunslye steada watah! Daparty staws at nahn o'clawk and goestill KESTION-MAWK????